

2017-10-26 11:29 来源:禹唐体育 & SportAccord Convention 0 79152

瑞士洛桑 -- 全球体育赞助市场2017年预计将达到440亿美元,亚太地区和世界其他地方包括欧洲和美国预计也将继续表现出强劲的增长。全球千禧一代的年度消费能力达到25亿美元,而95%的千禧一代都表示会选择有美好愿景和社会责任的品牌(数据来源:Good is the New Cool: Market Like You Give a Damn / 作者: Afdhel Aziz)。


而在2018国际体育大会(SportAccord Convention)上,这个世界上唯一全部国际体育协会出席、有众多重要体育领导机构参与的全球体育界的聚会上,参会嘉宾们就将讨论场内场外的激活、内容吸引观众、制造相关活动和体验、以及很多其他的相关话题。

大会将于2018年4月15日至20日在泰国曼谷的盛泰澜中央世界商业中心酒店曼谷会展中心(Centara Grand and Bangkok Convention Centre)举办。主论坛(Plenary Conference)将聚焦这个主题:聚拢全球观众-未来的营销和赞助(Uniting a Global Audience – Marketing and Sponsorship for the Future)。在主论坛之外,作为大会论坛的完整议程的一部分,城市论坛(CityAccord)、媒体论坛(MediaAccord)、法律论坛(LawAccord)和健康论坛(HealthAccord)也将讨论在赞助和营销领域会面临的一些挑战。

因为以上的原因,今年国际体育大会的注册人数相比去年此时有显著提高,预定展位的国际体育协会数量达到历史新高。在体验过大会所提供的价值之后,很多合作伙伴已经再次签约。马来西亚大型赛事局(Malaysia Major Events)将合作身份升级至黄金合作伙伴。

其他续约的合作伙伴包括:丹麦体育赛事局(Sport Event Denmark)(黄金合作伙伴、去年丹麦奥胡斯国际体育大会的合办方)、全球国际货运代理(DB Schenker)(执行合作伙伴),两个机构都从2003年大会成立以来就与大会开始了紧密的合作。《主办城市》(Host City)首次成为执行合作伙伴。白银合作伙伴埃德蒙顿大型活动局(Edmonton Events)和苏格兰大型活动局(Event Scotland)、青铜合作伙伴国际篮联(FIBA)和游览维多利亚(Visit Victoria),以及很多媒体合作伙伴,都已确定去曼谷参会。

很多来自亚太地区的机构不想错过这次机会,有很多机构第一次注册参会,例如MI Associates。一些跨国企业利用自己在全球的办公室,将派出在亚太地区的高层,例如拉加代尔体育澳大利亚。

Great Big Events将派出包含澳大利亚和英国代表的有史以来最大的代表团。Great Big Events的管理和创意总监Greg Bowman评论道:“Great Big Events从2003年第一届大会开始就参会,我们的团队很高兴再次参会,我们一直认为大会是一个讨论体育领域的创新和进步、探索推动产业向令人激动的崭新阶段前进的一个很好的地方。”















LAUSANNE, Switzerland – Global sports sponsorship is set to achieve $44 billion in 2017 with strong growth projected to continue in the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region as well as other parts of the world, including Europe and the USA. On top of this, the global spending power of Millennials is $2.5 trillion annually with 95% saying they will switch to a brand with a good cause. [Good is the New Cool: Market Like You Give a Damn / Author: Afdhel Aziz] 

Influencer marketing, social responsibility, social activism, data rights, virtual reality, live streaming channels, brand purpose and brand co-creation, as well as attracting millennials who no longer watch television or visit websites – are some of the biggest challenges facing organisations today involved in the business of sport.

Activations on and off the field of play, content engagement, connected experiences and much more, will all be addressed at SportAccord Convention 2018, the only global sports gathering attended by every international sports federation as well as many of the key stakeholders in sport. 

Set to take place from 15 – 20 April 2018 at the Centara Grand and Bangkok Convention Centre, Thailand, the plenary conference will focus on the theme: Uniting a Global Audience – Marketing and Sponsorship for the Future. As part of the full conference programme, additional conference streams - CityAccord, MediaAccord, LawAccord and HealthAccord, will also examine the challenges that lie ahead when it comes to sponsorship and marketing.

As a result, SportAccord Convention registrations have soared (compared to this time last year), and record numbers of international sports federations have committed to exhibition booths. Many partners are re-signing having experienced the intrinsic value the Convention brings, while Malaysia Major Events has moved up a tier (to Gold). 

Other partners to re-sign include Sport Event Denmark, (Gold Partner and Co-Host of last year’s Convention in Aarhus, Denmark) and DB Schenker (Delivery Partner), both of whom have been closely involved with the Convention since its inception in 2003, and Host City has become a Delivery Partner for the first time. Silver Partners Edmonton Events and Event Scotland, and Bronze Partners FIBA and Visit Victoria, as well as many media partners, have already confirmed their commitment to return and will be in Bangkok.

Not wanting to miss out, newcomers from the APAC region such as MI Associates will experience the world sport and business summit for the first time. Other organisations are taking advantage of their global presence to send C-level teams from Asia-Pacific such as Lagardère Sports Australia, while Great Big Events is bringing its largest delegation to date from both Australia and the United Kingdom.

Regarded as the sports business hub for collaboration and discovery, Greg Bowman, Managing and Creative Director commented:

“Great Big Events has been attending SportAccord Convention since its inaugural event in 2003. Our team is very excited to be involved once again, as we always find it a great event for discussing innovation and progress in sport and discovering ways to continue to push our industry forward into new and exciting territory.”

With so much to address and so many opportunities to be gained from taking part in one of the most important summits in 2018, organisations are encouraged to register and take part in the SportAccord Convention. Currently priced at CHF 2,000 and due to rise by CHF 500 on 6 November 2017, a delegate pass provides access to the most exclusive network of key decision-makers, stakeholders and experts in the world of sport.

Delegates have access to the full conference programme, 3-day exhibition, the Thai Pavilion, and numerous networking opportunities, including social events, the Opening Ceremony and Closing Event, luncheons, evening cocktails, the After Hours Bar, and much more. Follow developments and updates via Twitter @saconvention using #SAC2018, as well as LinkedIn and Facebook

For media enquiries, please email Jenny Edmondson, Media Relations Officer:


SportAccord Convention

SportAccord Convention is the world’s premier and most exclusive annual event at the service of sport. Held in a different city each year, the Convention takes place over six days and is focused on driving positive change internationally and dedicated to engaging and connecting; international sports federations, rights holders, organising committees, cities, press and media, and organisations involved in the business of sport.

The SportAccord Convention is a not-for-profit organisation which annually brings together representatives from more than 100 International Sports Federations affiliated with the following umbrella organisations that host their Annual General Assemblies at the SportAccord Convention.

GAISF (Global Association of International Sports Federations), ASOIF (Association of Summer Olympic International Federations), AIOWF (Association of International Olympic Winter Sports Federations), ARISF (Association of IOC Recognised International Sports Federations), AIMS (Alliance of Independent Recognised Members of Sport) and Associate Members.

In addition, the SportAccord Convention receives the full support of the International Olympic Committee.


