保险经纪JLT Specialty与国际体育联合会论坛新续约3年合作

JLT Specialty 给体育产业提供保险咨询服务,其中包括一些给国际体育联合会提供的定制化产品。今年的国际联合会论坛(IF Forum)将于2017年11月8日-10日在瑞士洛桑举行。

2017-10-12 18:24 来源:禹唐体育 & SportAccord Convention 0 68114

瑞士洛桑 -- 国际体育大会宣布国际联合会论坛(International Federation Forum)与JLT Specialty达成了一个三年的合作。JLT Specialty 给体育产业提供保险咨询服务,其中包括一些给国际体育联合会提供的定制化产品。

今年的国际联合会论坛(IF Forum)将于2017年11月8日-10日在瑞士洛桑举行,将会聚焦“国际联合会的影响力——引领人们朝着可持续发展方向前进”。

国际联合会论坛(IF Forum)为世界体育总会(GAISF)的股东和成员提供了一个处理在全球范围内与体育运动有关的问题的平台。这个会议为发言人和参会代表提供分享最佳实践经验的机会,还可以把会上获得的想法和创意带回各自的国际体育联合会内进行讨论和尝试。 

JLT Specialty的体育业务负责人Gary Flynn评论道:“JLT很自豪从2011年以来就成为国际体育联合会论坛的官方合作伙伴,我个人与世界体育总会(GAISF)的接触更是从2007年就开始了”。 

“国际体育联合会论坛(IF Forum)使我们能够探索助力国际体育联合会保险需求的新机会,并强化我们现有的关系。”



Nis Hatt,国际体育大会的常务董事说:“我们很高兴和支持了国际联合会论坛6年的合作伙伴JLT Specialty签署一份新的为期三年的合作。他们的再次合作证明了这个合作关系的价值以及这个合作的实力。”




INSURANCE BROKER JLT SPECIALTY SIGN NEW 3-YEAR partnership cementing support for the IF FORUM 

LAUSANNE, Switzerland – SportAccord Convention today confirmed a new three-year International Federation (IF) Forum partnership with JLT Specialty who deliver insurance consultancy services to the sports industry, including a number of bespoke products for the international sports federations. 

This year’s IF Forum is set to take place from 8-10 November 2017 in Lausanne, Switzerland and will focus on the ‘International Federation Impact - Leading the way towards a Sustainable Agenda’. 

The IF Forum provides a platform for GAISF stakeholders and their members to tackle global issues related to the Sports Movement. The event provides plenty of opportunity for speakers and delegates to share best practice, as well as take back ideas and initiatives to work through within their respective international sports federations. 

Gary Flynn, Head of Sport Practice for JLT Specialty commented, “We at JLT are proud to have been an official partner to the IF Forum since 2011, and my personal involvement with the Global Association of International Sports Federations goes even further back to 2007.

The IF Forum allows us to explore new opportunities to assist International Federations with their insurance needs and strengthen our existing relationships.”

Hosted by the SportAccord Convention team, the annual 3-day gathering is limited to a small number of industry partners thus providing strong visibility. The IF Forum gives partners access to an authoritative networking environment and recognition as a supporter of the Sports Movement. 

Partners also have access to the official schedule which includes entry to all conference and panel sessions involving leading experts, workshops and case studies, as well as VIP functions and social activities. IF Forum Partners also have the opportunity to deliver a presentation as part of the conference programme.

Nis Hatt, Managing Director of SportAccord Convention said, “We are delighted to sign a new three-year partnership with JLT Specialty who have been tremendous supporters of the IF Forum for the last 6 years. Their commitment demonstrates the value a partnership brings and what can be achieved in this environment.”

A review of innovation in the global insurance industry carried out by Accenture in 2015, highlights the growing importance of partnerships which feature strongly in the biggest innovation trends.

To discuss partnership opportunities, contact Brandon Kelley of SportAccord Convention +41 (0) 21 601 27 64 or email brandon.kelley@sportaccordconvention.com. 

For further details on the IF Forum visit http://www.sportaccordconvention.com/international-federation-if-forum-2017#.

For media enquiries, email Jenny Edmondson, Media Relations Officer:



